Level 7 (Arms, chest, shoulders, core): You can really modify the intensity on this one based on how quickly you are punching. Keep the pace up and this will be a nice toning workout for your arms and chest. Hang in there for the bonus plank series at the end and work the core as well. Happy training ~TJ
Up Next in Five Minute Workouts
5 Minute Workout (Level 5) - Defensiv...
Level 5 (legs, especially calves and core): You can modify this one intensity wise by being more explosive and quicker in your movements, or slowing down if you need to. This is a very important skill set to have. This is a great one to wake you up and get the body moving in the morning.
5 minute workout - with focus pads
5 Minute Workout (Level 3-4) - Defens...
Level 3-4: You can make this one a lot easier by not trying to stay on the toes the whole time. If you do that you can really focus on the technique which i would recommend if you are new. These defensive techniques are really important for your martial arts so practice them. Happy training ~TJ