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Level 5 (upper legs & claves): This one gives a nice burn to the legs. A lot of touching the ground and squatting down to attack.
Up Next in Five Minute Workouts
5 Minute Workout (Level 5-9): Punchin...
Level 5-9 (Cardio, Arms, Core, Chest): Why is this workout level 5-9? You can vary the level of difficulty in this tremendously. If you go through slowly and work on the form as a beginner, it can be a solid 4. But... if you are advanced and attack the bag, be explosive with your movements thi...
5 minute workout (Level 7) - abs
Level 7 (core & abs): Various exercises for the abs, 45 seconds each. This would be a good one to do twice in a row if you are feeling motivated. Happy training everyone. ~TJ
5 minute workout (Level 7) - kicks an...
Level 7: This is a good one for toning the legs. A little bonus work at the end with a couple of isometric exercises.