Five Minute Workouts - Defense

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  • 5 Minute Workout (Level 3): Parries and Covers

    Level 3 (calves, arms, mind): Covering is a very important skill to have for your fighting. These skills are really good to train so your body develops the neural pathways you need to respond when someone tries to hit you. We also add a little bit of interception in here. This is a nice light...

  • 5 Minute Workout (Level 5) - Defensive Movement

    Level 5 (legs, especially calves and core): You can modify this one intensity wise by being more explosive and quicker in your movements, or slowing down if you need to. This is a very important skill set to have. This is a great one to wake you up and get the body moving in the morning.

  • 5 Minute Workout (Level 3-4) - Defense (Covering)

    Level 3-4: You can make this one a lot easier by not trying to stay on the toes the whole time. If you do that you can really focus on the technique which i would recommend if you are new. These defensive techniques are really important for your martial arts so practice them. Happy training ~TJ

  • 5 Minute Workout (level 3): Covering Defense

    TJ Level 3. Not too hard physically but the skills in this are actually very important. To give you a little stretch and wake up in the morning, make sure to stay on your toes and bounce around as you do this one.

  • 5 Minute Workout (3.5 level): Evasive Defense

    This one was about a 3.5 difficulty rating for me but this stuff is really important and will help with your back flexibility, footwork and defense. To enhance it and bring up the intensity make sure to really stay on the toes the whole time. Also, evade with purpose like someone is really tryi...